Deniz Üstü Kanatlar: Ses, Müzik, Beden Öyküleri /Wings Over the Sea: Sound, Music, Body Stories / Hikaye Anlatıcısı, Eş-organizatör / Storyteller, Co-organizer
Fly Inwards Fly Homewards, Visual art exhibition, Ostuni - Italy, Curator
İmgelerden Bir İpucu: küçük İskender / A Clue from the Images: küçük İskender (In memoriam of the renowned Turkish poet) / Gümüşlük Akademisi Bodrum / Artist, Co-organizer
Elinin Altında Hep Beyaz Bir Kağıt: İlhan Berk’e Yanıtlar / Always A White Paper Under His Hand: Responses to Ilhan Berk, Gümüşlük Akademisi Bodrum / Artist
İmge.Mekan.İnsan: Yazgı Kardeşliği / Image.Space.Human: Sisterhood of Destiny, KUN Art Space, Bodrum / Sergi başlığı ve Kavramsal Çerçeve / Exhibition title & Conceptual Framework
Seeds of Art, Çok-yıllı açıkhava sanat etkinliği (proje başlığı ve kavramsal çerçeve) / multi-year outdoor art event (Project title and conceptualization)
Dünyaya Orman Denir / The Word for World is Forest, Seeds of Art 2023 sergisi / exhibition, Conceptual framework and Co-curator / Kavramsal çerçeve ve Eş-küratör
Taş Kağıt Düş / Rock Paper Dream, Şiirden ilham alan kamusal alan yerleştirmesi / Poem inspired public space installation, 2022 Bodrum (Belediye Meydanı / Municipality Square)
Finding Current Human Presence: Water ~ Air ~Sound Stories Performance, halka sanat projesi - Artship Initiatives // Storyteller, Event Manager
Başka Kitaptan / From Another Book, Text Art, CI 2021 - Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, halka sanat projesi // Artist
Bodrum Açık Atölye Günleri Etkinlik ve Sergisi / Bodrum Open Studio Days Events and Exhibition, Artist
Ruşenağa Numara Sekiz / Ruşenağa Number Eight, Rüzgarda Akan Atlar ya da Yuvadan Uçmak / Horses Fluent in the Wind or Flying from the Nest, Exhibition by halka sanat projesi // Artist
Çekim Merkezi Olarak Şiir-2: Görsel Sanatçılar Aynı Şiire Yanıt Veriyor / Poem as the Gravity Pull-2: Visual Artists Responding to a Single Poem, Exhibition by halka sanat projesi, in collaboration with Artship Initiatives San Francisco // Co-curator & Poet
Bulanık / Blurry, Text Art, CI 2019 - Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, halka sanat projesi // Artist
SPORAD (Halikarnas Balıkçısına Saygı / Homage to the Fisherman of Halicarnassus), Mekan Ruhuna Yolculuk / Journey to the Spirit of Place, Exhibition by halka sanat projesi // Artist
This is a Photograph of Me / Bu Benim Fotoğrafım, Exhibition co-organized by halka sanat projesi & ARTS ASSEMBLY, Dynamo Art Space Vancouver, halka sanat projesi İstanbul // Co-organizer & Curator
Bir akıl defteri yapsak neyi aklımızda tutacağımızı unutmasak / Let’s make a mind book let’s not forget what to keep in mind, Installation, Kayıtsızlık Şenliği / Festival of Insignificance, Exhibition by halka sanat projesi // Artist
Toprağın Şarkısına Prelüd / Prelude to the Chant of the Soil, Text Art, CI 2018 - Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, halka sanat projesi // Artist
Uzlaşma Zemini / Common Ground, A two years curatorial exchange project co-organized by halka sanat projesi & ARTS ASSEMBLY Vancouver // Co- organizer
Güzel Doku'nuş // Wowen and Embracing, Documentary exhibition by halka sanat projesi Istanbul, in collaboration with Artship Initiatives San Francisco // Co-curator
“Cultivating deep commitment to the arts – art initiatives in Turkey in a neoliberal environment”, newsprint, Common Good, 13-22 September 2017, Massey University Wellington, NZ, Exhibtion curated by Karin Van Roosmalen // Artist
Reconstruct – Construct – Pre-construct, Exhibition, halka sanat projesi, co-organized by halka sanat projesi & Artship Initiatives San Francisco // Co-organizer & Co-curator
Lotus Yiyenlerin Ülkesinde / In the Land of the Lotus Eaters, Exhibtion, halka sanat projesi, Artist Art Fair Istanbul // Curator
Past with All of Its Moments Be Citable, An Exhibition Project on Walter Benjamin’s Concept of History, Exhibition, DEPO, Istanbul // Cooperation Partner & Co-curator
Uykusuzlar Atlası / Atlas of the Sleepless, Exhibition, halka sanat projesi, Istanbul // Curator
Escritor/a... Nivaskâr... Yazar, Exhibition by halka sanat projesi, Istanbul // Co-curator
White Line, Group Exhibition, halka sanat projesi Istanbul, Bonnafont Gallery San Francisco, co-organized by halka sanat projesi & Artship Initiatives San Francisco // Co- curator
Contemporary Cabinet of Curiosity: An Ethnographic Essay on Collecting, Preserving and Exhibiting, Exhibition, CI 2014 Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, halka sanat projesi // Conceptual framework & Co- curator
Stories from Our People, Exhibition and Story Telling & Performance, halka sanat projesi, Sirkeci Station Istanbul, Bonnafont Gallery, San Francisco, Istanbul Chamber of Architects Exhibition Hall, co-organized by halka sanat projesi & Artship Initiatives San Francisco // Co-organizer
Sana Saraylar Vadetmedim / I Haven’t Promised You the World, Exhibition by halka sanat projesi, Istanbul // Co-curator